ZSÚR project

Party is the English adaptation of Kinga Toth's book, ZSÚR, which was published in Hungary 2013.  It is a CD-shaped book with translated, adapted, written rhymes and Kinga's illustrations, which refer to Hungarian, German and English nursery rhymes at first glance, but contain sharp and serious social and political commentary on subjects such as domestic violence, aggression, poverty, racism, LGBT, tradition, authority, and education.  The book plays with "absence": absence of contours, absence of words or definitions, absence of security and safety.  Such a condition is very characteristic for our daily life, our relations, relationships, language.
The first publication, 5 poems and graphics are being published in English language in POETRY 2015 in Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry 2015and in 2014 in hlo.hu.
PARTY on POETRY MAGAZINE: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poem/249852
- link to the illustrations+exhibition in Stuttgart: https://drive.google.com/?tab=mo&authuser=0#folders/0B-p5O8JN-XdtZlctbnd0N3IyYWs
- ZSÚR/PARTY's facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/tothkingazsur?fref=ts
- PARTY/ZSÚR music, the album: https://archive.org/details/siro675TothKinaHegyfalu-Zsur
videoclip:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owp3Oo-1MWEZSÚR project

book, music, illustration, exhibition
ZSÚR - poetry book, written and illustrated by Kinga Tóth, 2013
PARTY - poetry book, adapted by Rob Santaguida and Kinga Tóth, 2014
ZSÚR on facebook: : https://www.facebook.com/tothkingazsur?fref=ts
ZSÚR/PARTY the music album: httPps://archive.org/details/siro675TothKinaHegyfalu-Zsur
ZSÚR/PARTY video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owp3Oo-1MWE
„Lullabies from the depth of the night, when dream does not come to eyes and eyes. Atom flash in the grilled bad, while someone leans over us and babbles. His speech is a stammer, his voice is a resonance catastrophe. The family: empty photoalbum. The domestic animals: fossils. Everything is here father’s trouble, however nobody is called Ondradek. We may draw calmness from the discernment that our life is not simply deteriorated, but ruined. Poems for children, who grew their body out and for adults who are held together only with wires.” Bartók Imre

„Suggestive texts, which invite us with the imitation of children’s language free from taboos for a cruel game, we are not playing according to aour own rules. Sets the themes of serious social problems beyond the creative reinterpretation of the genre nursery rhyme, like domestic violence, aggression violence against women, human rights, misery, hunger, discrimination, question of (sexual) identity etc. From PARTY’s perspective, above which we do not have a power, we recognise our own relationships, our „rubbish” and the problems of our society. We do not have a power about this perspective, so we are obliges to (re)live, to experience and to understand it.” Braun Barna In: Magyar Narancs, 2014/2

PARTY is also available now in German language, last publications:
- Die Welt ist nicht erfunden (Hg. Akademie Schloss Solitude): http://www.akademie-solitude.de/de/publikationen/projektiv/die-welt-ist-nicht-erfunden~no3708/
Authorportrait, Interview, Review about Party and All machine (by Carolin Krahl) and poems
- Manuskripte, 2016, Austria